Tuesday, May 29, 2012

An Ingrid Callot idea: Healthy packed lunch for kids

“Oh dear Ingrid Callot, how do you feed your son?”--one of my neighbor friends asked the other day. Her son is Jacob’s classmate. If I remember correctly, her son is a picky eater, the type who would easily devour a piece of cake but eternally avoid a lettuce leaf.

When kids start schooling, they are in need of more energy due to the different activities done in and out of school. This calls for the preparation of healthy meals, not only for breakfast, but for the whole day.

To ensure that Jacob gets the nutrition that he needs, even if he’s out of my sight, I, Ingrid Callot the domestic goddess now turned green eating guru (maybe because I have an apprentice of a son to guide), make sure that his packed lunch are not only convenient to eat, but also healthy.

Ingrid Callot Photo Credit: Cnngo.com

One of his favorites is wheat tortilla wraps, which go with sliced chicken, lettuce leaves, mayonnaise, and low-fat cheese. Aside from wraps, I sometimes prepare mini-burritos for him, made of rice and black beans, with tomato salsa on the side.

What I like about wraps and burritos is that they are easy to prepare and are delicious--hot or cold.

Ingrid Callot Photo Credit: Nurturing-nutrition.com

Well, I tossed these tips to my friend’s delight; I found them while browsing for more recipes and they went straight to the Ingrid Callot book. Here goes the online article I stumbled upon:

- Always include fresh fruits or vegetables
- Offer a variety of breads – whole grain, pita, and flat
- Cheese and yogurts are healthier alternatives to butter or margarine
- Cut the vegetable and fruits into various shapes so they’ll be more interesting to eat
- Don’t forget to place a bottle of fresh juice, smoothie, or water in the lunch box

Ingrid Callot Photo Credit: http://Drlisatabrizind.wordpress.com

For more ideas on healthy eating and living, visit this Ingrid Callot blog.

Monday, May 21, 2012

What to make of the attic? Ingrid Callot’s space and design ideas

From Dec 9, 2011

“Mom, I want to turn the attic into my room,” said Jacob the other week. The young Ingrid Callot in me felt all giddy. Challenge accepted! The thought of turning a lifeless room into a ‘livable’ space is definitely my kind of thing. However, I had reservations about my son’s request because our attic’s purpose is really to be a stockroom.

If I give in to his request, I would have to transfer all the boxes, unused home furnishings, piles of books, and a whole lot of stuff into another room. So, after days of thinking about it, I decided that no, the attic will remain a stockroom. But wait! I wouldn’t want my son to feel upset so I told him that part of the attic will be his – I’ll turn it into a playroom for my kid.

From Untitled Album

So the next day, Ingrid Callot here took the time to browse the Internet for some design ideas on how I can smartly divide the space in the attic. You can tell that I’m lovin’ DIY interior projects.

I read online that choosing the best attic design involves looking at what you want to do with the space and planning accordingly.

Because Jacob will spend much time in the room, I have to take the ventilation into consideration. When turning the attic into a living space, it is also recommended to change the windows and make them bigger so that the air can circulate smoothly in the room, and that natural light will be allowed inside.

With how our attic looks, I’d probably ask for assistance in setting up a few overhead bins where some of the things could be stored. Then I’d set up cots and vinyl tiles on the floor just to make it comfortable for Jacob to lounge there if he wants to. I’d also transfer some of his cabinets, mostly the ones with his toys, in the attic.

Lastly, I’d set up a garage sale and see what else can be sold from the unused items in the attic. Those that will remain will be placed in boxes or be placed in a corner of the room and enclosed with a foldable divider to avoid the clutter.  

For more DIY tips, follow Ingrid Callot on Facebook.

From Ingrid Callo February Photos

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Ingrid Callot: Veggie meals for kids

Photo Credit: Ingrid Callot

Most kids hate eating veggies. I know this first-hand because of Jacob, my eight-year-old son who used to be a picky eater. But after using what my husband calls the “Ingrid Callot convincing motherly powers,” I was able to encourage Jacob to appreciate different kinds of meals – even those with veggies.

Developing kids’ taste for healthy food is difficult. As a mom, I’ve learned that the best way to sway kids to eating healthy food, particularly vegetables, is by whipping up meals that do not only look appetizing, but are absolutely yummy, too.

Photo Credit: Ingrid Callot

When I was starting to persuade Jacob to eat veggies, I tried basic recipes like vegetable omelets for breakfast. Being the most important meal of the day, it is better to offer your kids with healthier options, instead of the usual processed food like hotdogs. Another recipe that I tried, which is now part of “Ingrid Callot’s breakfast staples,” is the potato pancake that I discovered online. This recipe also has onions in it, but since they’re grated, they will surely go down your kid’s stomach unnoticed.

For lunch, you can make some white bean burritos. Unlike black beans, white beans have a mild flavor that appeals more to kids. If your kid is like mine who loves potatoes, you can try cooking pasta with green beans and potatoes. This one’s easy to serve and is delicious, so your kid will definitely ask for another plate.

Ingrid Callot Album Photo Credit: SimpleHealthyTasty.com

Incorporating veggies in meals does not end with solid food only. In fact, there are a couple of juices that you can create using vegetables like the one I’ve tried (thanks to SimpleHealthyTasty.com) called Creamsicle Green Smoothie. Here’s the recipe, if you want to try it out:

- 1 cup water
- 1 cup rice or almond milk
- 2-3 LARGE spoonfuls of orange juice concentrate
- 1 large bunch of spinach
- 1 teaspoon vanilla
- Frozen peaches (about 2 cups)

By simply blending all these ingredients, you can already provide your kid with a delightful and healthy drink.

More tips on healthy eating can be accessed through Ingrid Callot’s site.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Take it from Vogue: Ingrid Callot’s latest discovery on sustainable fashion

Ingrid Callot, do you love fashion?” I was a bit taken aback by my friend’s question, for some reason. It could be because I do love fashion but not to the extent of buying clothes like there’s no tomorrow. Or it could be because of the fact that I scrutinize clothing companies and their waste management problems, as I try to live up to my goal of having an eco-friendly lifestyle. But to say that eco-friendliness and fashion do not meet eye-to-eye all the time is actually false. So I answered my friend, “Oh yes, I do, but only sustainable fashion.”

Ingrid Callot Photo Credit: treehugger.com

Sustainable fashion is a design philosophy wherein creation of clothes and other products are done with consideration to the environment and the society. As an environmental advocate, I, Ingrid Callot, salute this effort by the fashion industry to keep up with the demands of creating apparel and pushing for profit while taking the environment into consideration.

As I am forever curious about the trends on sustainable fashion, I stumbled upon Teen Vogue’s website which featured an article dedicated to eco-friendly fashion brands. The timing was perfect because updating my wardrobe is sort of in-order. Some designers who create eco-friendly clothes, which I covet, include:

- C&T Costello Tagliapietra
Ingrid Callot Photo Credit: teenvogue.com

- People Tree
Ingrid Callot Photo Credit: teenvogue.com

- Chinti and Parker
Ingrid Callot Photo Credit: teenvogue.com

- Maiyet
Ingrid Callot Photo Credit: teenvogue.com

I also like Rain Tees, one of the brands created by designer Beth Doane, which aims to plant a tree in a critically endangered area of the world for every tee sold.

If you love DIYs, the environment, and healthy living, follow Ingrid Callot on Twitter.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Get the tots involved: Ingrid Callot on encouraging kids to help clean the house

From Untitled Album

On top of Ingrid Callot’s checklist for the week: general cleaning. And believe me, it’s long overdue.
Parents usually take the full responsibility of cleaning the house. It’s part of every homeowner’s daily activities, so some point, it can become strenuous. With this, parenting experts suggest that kids, as young as toddlers, should be trained in doing simple household chores.

From Ingrid Callo February Photos

I agree with this. In fact, when Jacob was still two years old, he already knew how to organize his toys. One fateful event actually made ‘the training’ easier for me. One afternoon, my faboosh friend Edgardo Versoza visited our house. While walking towards the patio, he accidentally stepped on one of Jacob’s toys. “Oh no, Ingrid Callot! I think I broke your baby’s toy.”

The incident – Jacob witnessing his toy being smashed because it wasn’t kept in his toy box– became a reminder for him to have the initiative to organize his toys.

I’ve read an article online that supports the idea of encouraging kids to take part in house cleaning. Armin Brott, author of seven books on parenting advice, shared his thoughts on how children can be encouraged to take cleaning as a light and fun task. One of his tips is for parents to not have that “because I said so” attitude. Parents must learn how to make their kids feel that they are important to achieve the goal, which is to have a squeaky clean house.

It is also nice to create a game out of the cleaning process. In my case, I tell Jacob to beat a certain time schedule, and when he does, I see to it that I give him a reward for a job well done.

For more tips on leading a green and fun household, visit Ingrid Callot’s blog.

From Ingrid Callo February Photos