Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Paperless wedding invitations: Raising the eyebrows of traditionalists

Image Source: mrwallpaper.com

As I was sorting out my email yesterday, I saw this letter from a blog reader named Sarah from Kansas: “Hello, Ingrid Callot! I got engaged just a month ago, and my fiancĂ© Philip and I are already arguing over invitations (one among many of our wedding-related fights). As green living advocates, we also want our wedding to reflect our love and respect for the environment. To ditch the use of paper, Philip wants to send out invites by email or through Facebook, which I consider tacky and impersonal. I asked him how my grandma would feel about not having received any invitation at all. What should we do? Your help will be much appreciated!”

As an eco-friendly individual myself, I love the couple’s idea of deciding to have a green wedding. Digital invitation is alright as long as it’s done in good taste. But this idea could raise some eyebrows, especially for traditional families who think that email invites are informal and downright rude.

Image Source: peppersquare.com

Facing the dilemma I say half and half would do the trick. Since the world has changed a lot in the last decade, nearly almost everyone has access to the Internet. In this case, couples can electronically invite guests through email. A lot of creative wedding invitation concepts are now available online. For guests who are not comfortable opening invites online, hard copies may be sent out.

This is what Natalie Alcala, a Los Angeles bride, did. She shares, “Although we'd definitely prefer to go the more tech-savvy, eco-friendly route with digital wedding invites, we're sending hard invites to appease old-school family members.”

Image Source: weddingandpartynetwork.com

Now Sarah, this is just a simple advice but I hope it’ll help. And congrats to you and Philip! Best wishes!

Are you having a green wedding, too? I have more eco-friendly wedding tips at my Facebook page!

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