Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Ingrid Callot: Fascination over bee pollen

From Ingrid Callot. Photo Credit: http://apicare.co.nz.

As a steward of healthy and green living, I, Ingrid Callot, have a personal fascination over organic and natural products. Recently, I have fallen in love with one of nature’s most complete food: bee pollen. For almost three months now, I have been taking fresh bee pollen that I buy directly from a local bee farm. I personally believe that this is one of the reasons why I have not had a single cold even when my son and husband have gone down with the flu. And you, my reader, should try this amazing product!

I have gained added stamina as I am able to handle more than my daily dose of physical workload and exercise. What used to be an hour-long jogging routine, has now become two hours per day. Not only that, my strength still allows me to go to my dance classes every day.

Ingrid Callot is a wife, mother, and an advocate 
of healthy living. She and her family lives in 
Van Nuys, California.

From Ingrid Callot. Photo Credit: http://healthblog.ivlproducts.com.

My husband, Roger, swears that he’s never seen me so active and lively, thanks to my ever reliable fresh bee pollen. Although some people may have questions about the lack of scientific study on the potency of bee pollen, I still attribute my increased sense of well-being and endurance to it.

If you’re one, among many, who’s skeptical about this natural product, let me give you more benefits of bee pollen:

• It is contains a complex of B vitamins, tons of Vitamin C, and an impressive array of other nutrients.
• It also has antioxidant effects needed by the body, helping keep your youthful glow.
• It serves as brain food, enhancing your concentration.

More healthy living tips from Ingrid Callot can be accessed at Twitter.

From Ingrid Callot. Photo Credit: http://beekman1802.com.

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